Healing Well & Living Free Foundation

Help individuals and families impacted by abuse and domestic violence to
heal well and live free.


We create moments of joy and hope for protective parents and their children, provide vetted resources and screening tools for survivors as they seek support, and accurately educate allies, attorneys, and professionals as they come alongside survivors of domestic violence.

Make a Moment &
Infuse Joy

What is a moment? A moment is very different than an event. A moment is an experience that once you live it, you carry it with you forever.

For many domestic violence survivors and their kiddos, experiencing joyful moments is virtually, and often totally, nonexistent.

You can gift families moments and new memories not marred with pain and sadness, but rather with joy. These intentional “infusions of joy” will remain with them forever because true moments do last a lifetime in the hearts and minds of those who otherwise know only the pain that living with domestic violence always leaves in its wake.  

Discover Resources & Screening Tools for Survivors

We are passionate about saving survivors time and energy, and equipping them with the best information possible, as quickly as possible. That’s why we're creating two first-of-their-kind resources—the Counselor Screening Tool and Family Law Attorney Best Practices Guideand have spent countless hours building our extensive database of vetted organizations and resources for survivors seeking support.

Empower Allies, Attorneys and Professionals

From domestic violence fact sheets and recommended reading, to safety plans and best practices for working with survivors, explore our vetted resources to learn more about how you can support and walk alongside survivors and their loved ones.​ 

Are you interested in supporting, volunteering or partnering with the Healing Well & Living Free Foundation?


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