Healing Well & Living Free Foundation


California Resources

Legal Resources:

  • San Diego Family Justice Center https://www.sandiego.gov/sandiegofamilyjusticecenter/about/ — The San Diego Family Justice Center, the first center of its kind in the United States, provides help and hope to women, men and children who are victims of family violence and sex trafficking. Every day victims find safety, protection from their abuser, legal help, counseling, food, clothing, spiritual support, medical assistance, and so many other free services from the Center’s professionals and volunteers.
  • Family Violence Appellate Project
  • SDCBA LRIS (San Diego County Bar Association Lawyer Referral and Information Service) https://www.sdcba.org/index.cfm?pg=MainLRIS — Since 1952, the Lawyer Referral and Information Service (LRIS) of the San Diego County Bar Association has been connecting the community with qualified, pre-screened local lawyers and legal resources. In 2020, the LRIS added Imperial County to our program. All 400+ lawyers in the LRIS program are required to meet rigorous criteria and be approved by the San Diego County Bar Association LRIS Committee. Now also serving Imperial County! 
  • Family Justice Center Alliance https://www.familyjusticecenter.org/about-us/ — The Family Justice Center Alliance (FJCA) is a program of Alliance for HOPE International, one of the leading domestic violence and sexual assault prevention and intervention organizations in the United States.  The FJCA serves as the clearinghouse, research center, and national affiliation organization for Family Justice Centers and other multi-agency models that serve victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, elder abuse, child abuse, and/or human trafficking. 
  • No Silence No Violence https://www.speakingoutnsnv.org/ — NSNV is a non-profit organization committed to providing education, training, resources, and community development that will eliminate stigma surrounding relationship abuse and sexual assault, while creating awareness, shifting perspectives, and creating change in the way we talk about domestic violence, as well as addressing the needs of those affected by this epidemic.
  • Voices Survivor Advocacy Network https://nationalvoices.org/ — The VOICES Survivor Advocacy Network mobilizes a network of survivors to advocate for victims who are in crisis, educates the public about family violence and sexual assault, and supports Family Justice Centers across the nation.
  • Family Law Facilitator at the San Diego Superior Court (all branches) https://flf.sdcourt.ca.gov/ — The Family Law Facilitator’s Office is a court-funded program staffed by attorneys, paralegals and court clerks, who provide free legal assistance to unrepresented family law litigants
  • San Diego Superior Court https://www.sdcourt.ca.gov/sdcourt/familyandchildren2/domesticviolence — How to File for a Domestic Violence Restraining Order
  • Say San Diego (Social Advocates for Youth) https://www.saysandiego.org/ — SAY strengthens the whole family because families are at the center of the lives of children and youth and at the center of our communities.
  • California Partnership to End Domestic Violence cpedv.org — The California Partnership to End Domestic Violence (the Partnership) is California’s recognized domestic violence coalition, representing over 1,000 advocates, organizations and allied groups throughout the state. 
  • California Courts website https://www.courts.ca.gov/selfhelp-domesticviolence.htm — Domestic Violence Restraining Orders in California. This guide can help you follow the process to:


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